Friday, June 14, 2013

Berry Salad, Fly Reppellant, and WD-40 and other websites

     So this morning I got up and didn't want to move. It is already hot and humid's only 9 in the morning. Now, here in the summer we get flies and they are bad. You can't go outside with a drink or food without getting flies into everything. So...yesterday being the start off the fly season means they are now out and about. I found this nifty trick on one of the many sites that I randomly come across and it says that lavender oil will repel flies. So naturally I had to try it.

Fly Repellant

You Need:
      -Lavender Essential Oil
       -A Sponge
       -A Container with a Lid

       -Coat the sponge with the oil
       -Put the sponge in the container and close the lid

       -Put outside in the area you want to remove the flies at least 24 hours prior to use.
       -Take the lid off of the container when you are outside
       -It will take the flies a little bit to move away but it does work I have been outside all morning with my cup of coffee and I have not had to swat a fly away at all.

Ok now that I have helped you get rid of unwanted flies here is a recipe I use for what I guess you could call Berry Salad.

Berry Salad

You Need:
     -1 container of strawberries
     -1 container of black berries
     -1 container of raspberries
     -1 container of blue berries
     -5 bananas
      -real lemon juice
     -real lime juice
     -1 small package sliced almonds or any other nut (optional)

Tools Needed:
       -1 mixing bowl
       -1 spoon

       -Slice the bananas and strawberries
       -Add all the berries and bananas and nuts if you use them to the bowl
       -This is where you choose the amount you add the lemon and lime juice to your liking
        -Mix it all together and serve cold

Ok so now I have your hot day taken care of... you have a way to get rid of flies and food to serve in this heat. Now, it's time to take care of what to do inside if it is just to hot for you outside. There are several websites that are fun. For those of you with kids you probably know about and online, but there are others. is great for younger ones. It teaches reading and writing and all the fun stuff they learn in school. It does cost some money though. also has fun games for kids. For the older ones there and which are free to play, but you can buy online content. These three are role playing and pet care games where you are actually a pirate, monster, or wizard and you travel through the world. They are able to chat and interact with other people playing the game so as always keep an eye on your kids and who they are talking to. Now for you adults if you have that spare can of WD-40 or roll of Duct tape laying around these two websites are for you. and Plus there is always a million other sites for you to play online games or find craft ideas, is my favorite site for ideas. There I have given you ideas on how to take care of a hot day plus help to keep the kids busy for a little while. It's all up to you now. If worse comes to worse you can always go to the pool, but don't forget the sun block.

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